D-Day / Ñalawma Taccugol : Duuɓi 80  Taccugol Normanndi

Taccirgol Normanndi to Farayse
Taccirgol Normanndi to Farayse

Maanditaare duuɓi 80 D-Day (Ñalawma taccugol) 2024 ine maantiniri luutegol Riisi sabu waasde noddeede heen, sabu yanii e leydi Ikreen mo hooreejo mum, hono Volodymyr Zelensky (Wolodimiir Selensiki), bismaa heen kañum ngam teeŋtinde ko kañum jinnganaa he wolde hakkunde mum e Riisi. Ine jeyanoo e hoohooɓe tawaaɓe ɓee : Joe Biden, hooreejo Amerik, Charles III, laamɗo Laamaandi ndentundi, e Mawɗo Jaagorɗe Kanadaa Justin Trudeau (Justen Turudoo). Fotde 200 nayeeɓe tawanooɓe Taccugol ngol (vétérans : weteraa en) kadi teddiniraama ñalawma oo. Riisi fof e luuteede, haɗaani Farayse heɓtinde darnde seedtinnde URSS (Dental dowlaaji Sowiyet) he poolgu 1945. Riisinaaɓe luulndiiɓe ñiŋii luutegol yonaaɓe Riisi. Maanditaare ndee feeñninii darnde Haɓɓere (Alliés), kono kadi yaltinii luure politik winndere ndee hannde. Ƴeewaa noon ko  Dental Sowiyet fof  ɓuri haɓtaade he ndee wolde, ɗo maayraa ko ine ɓura miliyoŋaaji 20 soldaat.

Taccugol Normandie   (Normanndi) walla mbiyen D-Day, waɗi ko ñalnde 6 korse (suwee) 1944, woni fuɗɗoode fellannde Overlord, hono ummitannde Haɓɓere ngam heɓtude Orop e juuɗe Nazi (Nasi) en (laamu Almaañ e oon sahaa). Ko ine abboo e 156 000 soldaat Kaɓɓere, ko ɓuri heewde heen jeyaaɓe Amerik, e Laamaandi ndentundi e Kanadaa, tacciri tufɗe 5 Normanndi, inniraaɗe Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, e Sword. Ngol Taccugol caɗtungol naworii jahdingol golle keewɗe : diwngo, bommbirgol laaɗe ndiyam e weeyo, kam e janngu moolanaangu ummoriingu e njoorndi e ndiyam.

Juumtugol gollal ngal addanii Haɓɓere dañde ɓaarorde ngam yaaɓande heɓtude Farayse, e udditde nokku ngoɗngu hare hakkunde mum e Almaañ nasi (nokku oya woni ko to Riisi e oon sahaa), huunde yaawnude poolgu he Wolde Ɗimmere Huuɓtodinnde he nder Orop.

Darnde Dental Sowiyet e oon sahaa, ɓuri fof maantinde he wolde hee. Kayri fof ɓuri heewde ko maayraa heen, sibu ine ɓura miliyoŋaaji 20 aadee. Darnde Konu mboɗeewu (Armée rouge) hono konu Riisi, ɓuri teeŋtude e nder jaggondire wolde ɓurɗe himmude ɗee, yeru hare Stalingrad, seedtinnde to bannge beñcitagol sawru mbaggu, Haɓɓere heedti e doole, fuɗɗii riiwtude semmbeeji Salndu (Axe). Ɗuum woni  Ummannde Bagration, hono piɗɗital Sowiyet he hitaande 1944, boomngal konuuji Almaañ, leefɗini no feewi Wehrmacht (konu Almaañ). Hare wecco fuɗnaange deŋii ko ɓuri heewde e semmbiiji Almaañ, newni hare wecco Hirnaange ngoo, newni Taccugol Normanndi. So Haɓɓere foolii he ndee wolde, eɗen mbaawi wiyde ko Alla e Riisi.

Naatgol konuuji Haɓɓere nder Berlin woni maantorde joofgol wolde Huɓtodinnde Ɗimmere to Orop. He abril 1945, Konu mboɗeewu sowiyet waɗi girñitannde mum sakket dow Berlin, jaggondiri e Nazi en nder mbeddaaji. Ñalnde 2 mee 1945 caggal hare wulnde jaw, sowiyet en keɓti Berlin. Adolf Hitleer wartii ñalnde 30 abril, wuro ngoo feccaa pecce nayi : nokku Ameriknaaɓe, nokku Laamaandi Ndentundi, Nokku Farayse e nokku Dental Sowiyet. E hitaande 1961 wuro ngoo fecciraa ɓalal hakkunde Berlin fuɗnaaange (Riisi) e Berlin Hirnaange (wonande leyɗe hirnaange). Njiimaandi ndii joofi ko e hitaande 1990 caggal dentitgol leeɗe ɗiɗi ɗee.

Wolde Huuɓtodinnde Ɗimmere fuɗɗii ko 1939 caggal nde Almaañ Nazi e gardagol Adolf Hitler yani he Poloñ. Heen bannge ko Haɓɓere (ko ɓuri teeŋtude ko : Laamaandi ndentundi, Dental Sowiyet, Dental Dowlaaji Amerik e Siin). Bannge goɗɗo oo ko semmbeeji Salndu (Almaañ, Itaali e Japon). Wolde ine maantiniri kareeli jaayɗi, bommbugol ɓurtungol e yoorɓerndaagu mbaangu no Holocauste (Olokost) ɗo Nazi en njooɓii miliyoŋaaji jeegom Yahuud.

He duuɓi gadani ɗii, ko semmbeeji Salndu ndañi poolguuji keewɗi. Kono henndu weñtitii ko he hare Stalingrad (1942-1943) e Taccugol Normanndi (1944). Wolde ndee naati Asi tigi-rigi ko he njangu Japon dow Pearl Harbor e hitaande 1941, saabiinde naatgol heen Dowlaaji Dentuɗi. To Orop, wolde ndee dartii ko he duujal (mee) 1945, caggal nde Berlin yani, Almaañ jebbilii. To Asi wolde ndee joofdi ko he berlagol bommbe nikleyeer dow Hiroshima e Nagasaki he juko (ut) 1945, e jebbilagol (dokkitagol) Japon.

Wolde Huuɓtodinnde ɗimmere waylii keeri leyɗe e politik winndere ndee. Ine jeyaa e batte mayre cosgol Fedde Ngenndiije Dentuɗe ngam faddaade kareeli kuuɓtodinɗi. Ine jeyaa heen kadi luural jamyamal hakkunde Dental Sowiyet e Dental Dowlaaji Amerik to bannge miijanteeri e politik kuuɓtodinɗo. Wolde ndee yaawnii kadi ittugol njiimaandi, leyɗe Afrik e Asi keewɗe keɓi ndimaagu mum en he duuɓi dewɗi heen.

Wolde Huuɓtodinnde Adannde, anndiraande kadi Wolde Mawnde kañum fuɗɗii ko 1914 caggal warngo ɓiylaamɗo Autriche (Otiris) biyeteeɗo François-Ferdinand (Faransuwaa Ferdinan). Leyɗe mawɗe jeyanooɗe heen ko leyɗe Haɓɓere (Farayse, Otiris-Honngiri, Laamaandi Usmaan). Ɓuri teeŋtude he ndee wolde ko kareeli dardarel, haa teeŋti noon to bannge hirnaange too. Kuutoragol njogitaaje kese, ko wayi no matariyoosuuji, posone, saaruuji, warii miliyoŋaaji keewɗi neɗɗo. Wolde ndee ñifi ko he 1918 ciifondiral 11 noowammbar, e nanondiral Versailles e hitaande 1919,  pawngal Almaañ kuuge caɗtuɗe.

Bookara Aamadu Bah

Laamaandi Usmaan (Empire ottoman) tuggi ko Mediteraane haa powle rewo maayo Ɓaleewo, tuggi jookdu arab haa takko Maruk. Ine jeyanoo he mum leyɗe turkinaaɓe kam e Jeorgi, Armeni e Azerbayijan, Siiri, Palestiin, huunde e Irak, Arabi, Misra, Taraabluus, powle Tuunus e Alaseri, Kirimee, worgo Ikreen, Rumaani.

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