Ñilke ndoogu

Aurores boréales - ñilke ndoogu
Aurores boréales - ñilke ndoogu

To leydi Norwees, hakkunde maayirɗe settaambar (silto) e maayirɗe mars (seeɗto), jamma jofata ko gila kikiiɗe, wona heen haa beetawe mum janngo. Oon sahaa, ñilke ndoogu ine keewi yiyeede he asamaan. Leydi Norwees ine heewi duuɗe e caaɗli diƴƴe hakkunde kaaƴe toowɗe, ɗo ɗee « ñilke ndoogu » mbeeɓi yeeɓde. Ɗe ɓuri newaade yiyde ko he nokkuuji gonɗi rewo ɗii, hay so tawii aɗe njiyee he nokkuuji goɗɗi ɗii, fawaade e coftal naange.

Ñilke ndoogu ko pooye jooɗɗe, keewɗe noorɗe (goobuuji), ɓurɗe heewde yiyeede he asamaan jamma, to gulli leydi. So tawii ko to wuddu leydi rewo, ɗe mbiyee ñilke ndoogu rewo (aurores boréales), so tawii ko to wuddu worgo, ɗe mbiyee ñilke ndoogu worgo (aurores australes). Ñilke ndoogu rewo e ñilke ndoogu worgo peŋata ko saraaji gulli sulɗuwi Leydi (pôles magnétiques de la Terre).

Ñilke ndoogu ine keewi wutteeji, tuggi haako ñebbe (haakeeji) haa mboɗirka, haa murfa. Aɗe njiyoo jamma, hitaande no woorunoo, so asamaan ine laaɓi, hakkunde maayirɗe juko (ut) haa darorɗe seeɗto (abril), he nder leyɗe ɓadtiiɗe gulli leydi : Groenland, Alaska, Antarctique, rewo Kanadaa, Scandinavie, Finlande, rewo Angalteer, to wuddu rewo. To wuddu worgo aɗe njiyoo dabbunde, tuggi seeɗto haa silto to Ostarali e Nuwel Selannde. Kono aɗe mbaawi ɓeydaade woɗɗude gulli leydi he dummunna Naange naati coftal mawngal.

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