Dental Dowlaaji Amerik (DDA) : Debbo ɓaleejo to Ñaawirde haaɗtirde

FILE - In this April 28, 2021 file photo, Ketanji Brown Jackson, nominated to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on pending judicial nominations, on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Senate is expected to narrowly confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson for the powerful U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. She is widely expected to land on President Joe Biden's short list should a Supreme Court vacancy arise. (Kevin Lamarque/Pool via AP)

Debbo ameriknaajo, ɓaleejo iwdi Afrik, gidiiɗo naatde ñaawirde haaɗtirde DDA.

Ko huunde nde meeɗaa waɗde, heddotoonde he daartol. Ɗuum ko naatgol debbo ɓaleejo he Ñaawirde haaɗtirde leydi Amerik ñalnde alkamiisa 7 abril 2022. Denndaangal senaateeruuji demokaraat en, yanti e senateruuji tati (3) repobilikee en hakindiiɓe, ngootanii oo debbo ñaawoowo, jahroowo e duuɓi 51, biyeteeɗo Ketanji Brown Jackson, lollirɗo « KBJ », mbele jeyee he Ñaawirdu haaɗtirdu. Ko hooreejo leydi ndii hono Joe Biden suɓinoo mo he lewru feebariyee, caggal nde hunii, e oorngal woote ɓennuɗe ɗee, maa toɗɗo debbo ɓaleejo he nder ñaawirde leydi ndii ɓurnde toowde e ɓooyde, sibu nde sosaama duuɓi 233 jooni.

FILE – In this April 28, 2021 file photo, Ketanji Brown Jackson, nominated to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on pending judicial nominations, on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Senate is expected to narrowly confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson for the powerful U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. She is widely expected to land on President Joe Biden’s short list should a Supreme Court vacancy arise. (Kevin Lamarque/Pool via AP)

Ngam kadi ɓeydaade mawninde ɗum, ko Kamala Haris, debbo ɓaleejo gidiiɗo wonde cukko-hooreejo Dental Dowlaajo Amerik (DDA), ko kam ardii woote ɗee he Suudu senaa nduu. Denndaangal demokaraat en wonnooɓe toon, ngummii ndarii, ngoni e foɓɓande mo. Oon sahaa kanko KBJ omo wondi e Joe Biden to Galle Daneejo too aɓe ndaara kewu nguu. Nder 115 ñaawoowo meeɗɓe jeyeede he Ñaawirdu Toowndu nduu, ko njoyo (5) fat ngoni heen rewɓe (nayo raneeɓe e iñnjee gooto) e worɓe ɗiɗo (2) fat ɓaleeɓe, heen gooto, hono Clarence Thomas, toɗɗinoo ɗum ko Georges Bush mawɗo, tee nani toon haa hannde.

KBJ lomtii ɗoon ko ñaawoowo ine wiyee Stephan Breyer, jahroowo he 83 hitaande, ƴettoowo fooftere mum he maayirɗe lewru suweŋ faandu nduu. Joe Biden meeɗaa seerde e mantude « kattanɗe makko diwtuɗe aada » kanko KBJ, keɓɗo seedantaagal mum to duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Harvard, gootal e duɗe jaaɓi-haaɗtirɗe ɗe keewaani, ɓurɗe lollude e winndere ndee, kadi sabu makko jogaade humpito he ceŋɗe laamu e heeriingo fof, e wonnoode mo kadi ñaawoowo kuftodinɗo leydi ndii (juge fédérale).

Naatgol makko ñaawirdu toowndu nduu, waylataa jerondiral doole nder mayru. Ko ñaawooɓe njeenayo (9) ngoni e mayru. Ndu halfinaa ko reende jahdugol laabi sariya ƴetteteeɗi ɗii e Doosgal leydi ngal, kam e taƴde luure renndo mawɗe jolooje nder DDA, ko wayi no bonnugol deedi walla dewgal luuɗewal (dewgal hakkunde debbo e debbo walla gorko e gorko).

Ko adii garaangal Joe Biden, Donald Trump dañiino fartaŋŋe toɗɗaade toon ñaawooɓe tato (3), haa ɗum wayli mbaadi suudu nduu, rokki toon haɓɓiiɓe e aada ɓee (repobilikee en) keeweendi. KBJ ine jogii ɓiɓɓe ɗiɗo rewɓe, jom galle makko ko cafroowo cekoowo lolluɗo.

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