Nguu ñawu jogori leeltinde jahgol Mbaañ (Mars)

Ñawu leeltinoowu jahgol Mbaañ
Ñawu leeltinoowu jahgol Mbaañ

So yaawii yaawii, ko ɗoo e duuɓi 15 NASA miijantee waawde neldude yimɓe to Mbaañ (Mars). Eɗen nganndi kadi waɗii duuɓi 50 ko koyngal aadee dartaaki to Lewru. Yanti heen lappi Artemis leeltii no feewi. Ko ɗuum addani yimɓe sikkitaade mbele yahdu Mbaañ haaleteendu nduu ine jogori sibu caɗeele ɗee ngonaa tan to bannge karallaagal, aɗa ngoodi hay to bannge hakkille.

So en tuugniima e wiɗtooji cakkitiiɗi, jogorɓe jeyeede e lappol faade Mbaañ eɓɓangol ngol, ine kulanaa ñawde ñawu ɓooƴe so ngartii he Leydi, sabu njuuteendi ɗanngal ngal : jahol faade Mbaañ ko hakkunde lebbi 6 e 11. Gartol ngol kadi ko noon, sibu hakkunde men e toon ko 55 miliyoŋ kiloomeeteer.

Yanti heen kadi, alaa e sago yahɓe toon ɓee pada toon fotde hitaande e feccere haa nde tagopeeje ɗiɗi ɗee ndeggondira kadi, nde gartol ngol fuɗɗa eɓɓeede. Ɗum firti ko yahɓe toon ɓee maa mbaɗ duuɓi 2 e feccere he nokku goɗɗuɗo  Leydi no feewi.

He ko aadoraa, ɗanle faade Jipporde ISS (Station ISS) walla ko neeɓaani faade Lewru, bonnataa (ñawnataa) ɓooƴe weeyeeɓe ɓee. Kono wiiño sakkitiingo saaktaango he jaaynde Nature Communication, hollitii wonde caafe faru  ummoriiɗe he banngeeji goɗɗi ko wonaa e jiiryiirngal men ngal tan, (ganndiraaɗe rayonnement cosmique galactique – RCG-) ine mbaawi bonnude. He ko aadoraa, ko ngesa sulɗeewa Leydi (champ magnétique terrestre) moɗata ɗeen caafe, faddanoo ɗe leydi men, haɗa ɗe kadi yande e weeyeeɓe wonɓe he jirlol lesol taarto leydi.

Kono, so artii he ɗanngal yah-ngartaa duuɓi ɗiɗi faade Mbaañ ngal, hay huunde faddantaako weeyeeɓe ɓee ɗeen caafe keewɗe GCR, ɗum noon ɗe bonnat ɓooƴe maɓɓe kam e ADN mum en. Ko ɗuum tagi, so peeje goɗɗe deenirɗe ɓooƴe ɗee njiytaaka, hay so weeyeejo waawii yahde Mbaañ, maa o sokloy waɗde « jaliis » (dialyse) so o artii he Leydi. Kadi, ine anndaa bonannde caafe ɗee ine leela feeñde, nde ɗe peeñi fof tawata ko bonatnoo bonii. Ɗuum noon ine haɗa lappol ngol yuumtude. Ko ɗuum tagi faandaare addande ngam yahde Mbaañ, ko waawde tawo hisnude ɓooƴe tawa ine danɗnda ɗum e caafe kaalaaɗe ɗee.

Nde tawnoo hoolkisaade batte caafe ɗee dow aadee aaɓnotaako, wiɗtooɓe ɓee koolkisii ɗum ko he santiyoŋaaji yimɓe e doombi ummoriiɗi e lappi 40 ɓadiiɗi leydi. Ɓe tawi ɗanle weeyo ɗee ine « mbayla » ɓooƴe, mbayla no ɗe kuutorirtoo lamɗam, kono kadi ñawna ɗe. Ɓe teskiima kadi so ɓooƴe doombi ɗee mbaɗaama he ngonka njerondirka e ngonka ɗanngal duuɓi ɗiɗi e feccere dow Mbaañ, ɗeen ɓooƴe ndeftokaako, ɗe mbonii haa cay.

Ko nii wiiño ngoo tonngiraa : « ndeke so yimɓe ene eɓɓa ɗanngal weeyo, maa toppitoo ɓooƴe no feewi. So waawaaka reenirde ɗe warwarde walla mekeñ ne, e tuugnaade e humpitooji keɓeteeɗi he guurɗiwal ɓooƴe, ine gasa yimɓe njiyta peeje karallaagal walla safaara ngam newnude ɗanle juutɗe.» Ɗum noon firti ko wiɗto jokku ngam yiytude peeje cafrooje ñawu ɓooƴe ko adii nde miijotoo waɗnde ngal ɗanngal juutngal faade Mbaañ. 

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