Pulaar naatii Firirde Google (Google Translate)

Logo Google Translate, firirde Google
Logo Google Translate, firirde Google

Ñalnde 27 lewru korse (suwee) Google  habrii naatgol 110 ɗemngal kesal  he nder Firirde mum anndiraande Google translate. Pulaar e Wolof ine njeyaa he ɗeen ɗemɗe kese naatɗe Google Translate. Ko kabaaru belɗo nde tawnoo fulɓe ɓooyii haɓanaade ɗum, gila 2009 ko famɗi fof. Hono no kabaaru oo wiyiri nii “Google liɓii heɗɗaawo hakkunde ɗemɗe”. Nafoore majjum idiinde, ko “kala ko winndaa he gootal he ɗeen ɗemɗe 243 gonɗe he Google, ine firoo ɗoon e ɗoon e nder Pulaar” huunde heewnde baɗte, ɗe hay gooto waawaa limtidde. Nafoore adannde nde mbaaw-ɗen fuɗɗoraade ko keɓagol kala kabaaru walla kala ganndal binndangal he ɗeen ɗemɗe, ɗum noon wayi tan ko no wiyde, kala kabaaru walla ganndal taweteengal nder internet, binndangal walla jangtangal… Maa en njaajnoyo he nafooje majjum he nder winndannde lommbere. Ko idii ɗuum ndutto-ɗen e winndannde Google e hoore mum yaltini ndee :

Tiitoonde winndannde ndee ko “110 ɗemngal kesal naatii he Firirde Google”

Min kuutorii ko IA (Ƴoƴre tafaande) ngam ɓeydude 110 ɗemngal kesal he Google Translate. Ine heen kantoniire, NKo e Tamazight (Tamasig).

« Google Translate liɓii heɗɗaawo hakkunde ɗemɗe ngam wallitde yimɓe jokkondirde e ɓeydaade faamde aduna mo ngoni oo. E kala sahaa kuutorto-ɗen ko karallaagal kesal ngam yimɓe heewɓe mbaawa heɓde ngalɗoo kuutorgal .

E hitaande 2022, min ɓeydii heen ɗemɗe 24 kese kuutortooɗe firo masiŋ Zero-Shot, hono masiŋ ekkinaaɗo firde he ɗemngal goɗngal tawa alanaa ɗum yeruuji tuugorɗi. Kadi, min kolliti eɓɓaande 1 000 ɗemngal, ɗo min kunii tafde tuugorɗe (modelaaji) ƴoƴre tafaande (IA) baawɗi tammbaade ɗemɗe 1 000 ɓurɗe waawde haaleede e winndere ndee.

Ko fayi arde hankadi, kuutorto-ɗen tan ko Ƴoƴre Tafaande ngam yaajtinde ɗemɗe keewɗe ɗe tammbi-ɗen (ɗe mballit-ɗen). E tuugnaade he tuugorgal  mawngal ɗemngal, hono model ɗemɗiwal mawɗo mo Google biyeteengal PaLM 2, eɗen ngaafa (poŋta) ɗoo 110 ɗemngal kesal he nder Google Translate, woni jaajtingol ɓurngol mawnude ngal hono mum meeɗaa waɗeede. Ɗum ɗoo noon ko ballal firo wonande ko ine ɓura feccere miliyaar neɗɗo. Tuggan maa Kantoniire (ɗemngal Kanton) haa e ɗemngal Qʼeqchiʼ, ko ina ɓura 614 miliyoŋ neɗɗo ine kaala ɗee ɗemɗe, ɗum noon laawol firo udditaniima ko ine tolnoo he 8% yimɓe winndere ndee.

Won heen ko ɗemɗe mawɗe e nder winndere ndee, tawi ko ɓuri 100 miliyoŋ ine kaala ɗum en. Won heen ko ɗemɗe dente renndo tokoose, ɗe waali wuro en kaalata. Won heen kadi maa mbiyaa ko ɗemɗe ɗe ngalaa nii haalooɓe, walla tawa seeɗa kaaloowo ɗum en oo, ina mbaɗa golle tiiɗɗe ngam wuurtinde ɗum en. Fotde nayaɓal e ɗemɗe kese ɗee ummorii ko Afrik, to ɓur-ɗen yaajtinde hono no en meeɗaa yaajtinirde haa jooni, yeru ɗemɗe Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda e Wolof.

Eɗen mbaawi faccirde wonande ɗee ɗoo ɗemɗe kese naatnaaɗe nder  Google Translate:

Afariire : Afariire ko ɗemngal hitiwal, kaaleteengal to Jibuti, Eriteree e Ecoppi. E nder ɗemɗe gonɗe he ngal jaajtinal ɗee fof, ko haalooɓe ɗemngal Afar ngoni dental ɓurngal heewde ko walliti ɗemngal mum en he nder yarlitaare.

Kantoniire : gila ko ɓooyi Kantoniire ina jeyaa he ɗemɗe ɓurɗe ɗaɓɓeede ngam naatneede he firirde Google ndee. Kono, nde tawnoo Kantoniire ina heewi hawritde e ɗemngal Manndarin he binndol, dañde keɓe tuugorɗe ngam ekkinirde ngal modelaaji ɗii, ine saɗnoo.

Maniire : Man ko ɗemngal Keltik e nder duunde Man. Ngal jogornoo ko majjude e maayde caggal nde neɗɗo  cakkitiiɗo haalde ngal sankii e hitaande 1974. Kono sabu ummannde mawnde waɗnde he duunde ndee kala ngam wuurnude ngal, hannde ujunnaaje ujunnaaje neɗɗo mbaɗtii haalde ngal.

Nkoniire : Ɗemngal Nko ko sifaa gootiɗinaaɗo calsalti keewɗi Mandinka Afrik hirnaange, denndinaaɗo he ɗemngal gootal. Alkule maggal keertiiɗe ɗee cosaa ko e hitaande 1949, hannde angal jogii dental wiɗtooɓe coftungal ƴellitngal keɓe e karallaagal ɗemngal ngal.

Punjabiire : ko caltol Punjabi binndangol he alkule persiire-aarabiire (Shahmukhi) ɓurngol heewde haaleede he nder Pakistaan.

Tamazight (Amazigh) ko ɗemngal Berbeer en kaaleteengal he nder Afrik rewo kala. Hay so calti maggal ine keewi, binndol ngol ina heewi faamnaade. Ngal winndiraa ko alkule Latin kam e binndol Tifinagh, binndi ɗiɗi ɗi Google Translate heɓtini, tammbii.

Tok Pisin : Tok Pisin ko ɗemngal kereyol tuugingal he Engeleere kam e ɗemngal nokkuwal jillungal Faraysiire kaaleteengal to Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. So aɗa haala Engele, eto firde e ɗemngal Tok Pisin, ine gasa paamaa maanaa mum !

Hol no Google suɓortoo eddaaji ɗemɗe ?

Geɗe keewɗe ina poti teskeede so ɗemɗe kese ine ɓeydee he Firirde hee : gila e ceertugol ngol haa e binndi keertiiɗi ɗi min kuutortoo. Ɗemɗe ina ceerta no feewi : aɗe ceerta diiwanuuji, calti, doosɗe mbinndiin. So goonga, ɗemɗe keewɗe ngalaa doosɗe mbinndiin gootiɗinaaɗe, ɗum noon suɓaade « edda » moƴƴo oo aaɓnotaako. Laawol amen ko ardinde sifaaji ɓurɗi huutoreede e ɗemngal kala. Yeru, Romaaniire ko ɗemngal keewngal calte he nder Orop kala. Modelaaji amen ɓuri heewde yaltinde ko binndanɗe ɓurɗe ɓadaade Vallax Worgo, sifaa keewɗo huutoreede he internet. Kono angal jilli kadi geɗe ummoriiɗe e leyɗeele goɗɗe, ko wayi no Vlax worgo e Romani Balkan.

Ko PaLM 2 woni ngooroondi ɗee geɗe ceertuɗe fof (puzzle). Ko ɗuum nii  walliti Translate ekkaade ɗemɗe ɓadtonirɗe no feewi. Ine jeyaa heen ɗemɗe ɓadiiɗe Hinndiire ko wayi no Awadi e Marwadi, e Kereyol Farayse ko wayi no Kereyol Seychelles e Kereyol Moris (Maurice).

Karallaagal ine yahra yeeso tan, eɗen njokka e gollondirde e annduɓe ɗemɗe e haalooɓe ɗemɗe neeniije, eɗen ɓeydoo tammbaade eddaaji ɗemɗe ɓurɗi heewde kam e nanondire mbinndiin ɓurɗe heewde.

Yillo Nokku Ballal ngam ɓeydaade humpitaade ɗee ɗemɗe kese tammbaaɗe. Kadi fuɗɗo firo to translate.google.com walla jaaɓnirde Firo (App) Google e Android e iOS » l

Ko ɗoo winndannde Google saakti ndee joofiri. 

Teeŋtinen tan, jiɗɗo naatde firo ngoo kala ine waawi :

  • – yahde ɗoo : translate.google.com
  • – walla awtoo jaaɓnirde Google translate he telefon mum maa alluwel mum  maa ordinateer mum. 

PaLM 2, janngaani tan ɗemɗe yimɓe kaaleteeɗe ɗee, omo janngi kadi ɗemɗe topirɗe (ɗemɗe masiŋ). PaLM 2 ina janngi ko ɓuri ɗemɗe 20 topirɗe lolluɗe ko wayi no Python, R, C++, C#, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript e PHP. Yanti heen, PaLM 2 ina waawi kadi firde ɗemngal topirgal nder ɗemngal topirgal goɗngal...

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Jokku taro https://pulaar.org/2024/07/02/hol-nafoore-jeyeede-he-google-translate/


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