Niiwnorgal James-Webb lottaama

Niiwnorgal James-Webb lottaama
Niiwnorgal James-Webb lottaama

Jooni ko niiwnorgal kesal, biyeteengal niiwnorgal James Webb, (JWST) lottaa  ñalnde 18 desaambar 2021, ngam fuɗɗaade lomtaade golle niiwnorgal biyeteengal Hubble waɗatnoo.

Niiwnorgal ko kaɓirgal ndaarndorgal baɗiraangal ƴeewde kuuje goɗɗuɗe nder Tageefo. Ine waɗi heen tokoose, ɗe neɗɗo waawi sinndaade, itta ɗum en nokku faade nokku goɗɗo ngam ƴeewrude weeyo. Kono, ngam waawde ƴeewde no moƴƴi geɗe goɗɗuɗe ɗee, annduɓe tafi ko niiwnorɗe berleteeɗe dow, ngona e yirlaade nder weeyo, mbele ine ɓallitoo, tawa kadi alaa ko wirnata ɗum en he weeyo ngoo. Ko hono ngaal lottaa e ɗeeɗoo balɗe dow weeyo, biyeteengal niiwnorgal James Webb (JWST). Goɗngal ine woodnoo ine wiyee niiwnorgal Hubble.

Niiwnorgal mbeeyuwal Hubble ko niiwnorgal NASA feewnunoo e ballal leyɗe Orop (Nokku Orop weeyo), gollotonoongal gila 1990,  ɓurnongal niiwnorɗe gonɗe he leydi ɗee fof waawde yiyde, sibu weeyo leydi ine wiljina gite mum (daarorɗe mum en) usta jiyle mum en.

Ko keɓe ƴoogaaɗe e coñal  Hubble renndinnoo ngadani nganndinal waɗde taaɓe mawɗe he ɓalliwal weeyo, ko wayi no teeŋtingol goondaangal gudde ɓaleeji pattam-ñise hakkunde won ɗeen jiiryiire walla goodaangal ɓakdi (matière) ɓaleeri. Niiwnorde Hubble deŋaa ko he yirlorde lesre (600 km hakkunde mum e Leydi). Won ellaaji njiytanoo e maggal kono ɗi yimɓe neldanooɓe toon, mbaawi safrude. Lappol cakkitol njahnongol toppitaade Hubble ko 2009 yahnoo ngam feewnitde ngal haa ngal gollaade ɗoo e 2030.

Jooni ko niiwnorgal kesal, biyeteengal niiwnorgal James Webb, werlaa ñalnde 18 desaambar 2021, ngam fuɗɗaade lomtaade golle Hubble waɗatnoo. Niiwnorgal James Webb happani ko nokku ine wiyee Toɓɓere Lagrange (L2), hakkunde mum e men ko miliyoŋ e teemedde joy ujunere kiloomeer (ɗanngal ngal ko lewru haa yahdi e naange) ɗo ngal foti yettaade ñalnde 16 saawiyee 2022, ngal deŋa toon. Ɗoo e ndeen denndaangal kaɓirɗe maggal maa cowto, puɗɗoo gollaade. Ko famɗi fof maa ngal gollo duuɓi 10. 

Geɗe ngalɗoo niiwnorgal fof ko ɓujeeje (ɓurtuɗe to bannge mawnugugol).

Goo : hakkunde nde ngal fuɗɗii diideede faade nde ngal lottaa wonii duuɓi 25, sibu ɗum fuɗɗii ko e hitaande 1996.

Ɗiɗi : anniya NASA wonnoo ko mahde niiwnorgal kesal, ceeɓngal, ngal tiiɗaani coggu. Kono hitaande kala njaru maggal ine ɓeydoo fawaade e jahrugol yeeso (ƴellitagol) ganndal, haa dartoyii laabi noogas njaru eɓɓanoongu adan nguu, woni jooni ngal jari ko miliyaaruuji 10 dolaar (3 650 miliyaar ugiyya) !

Tati : Ɗanngal JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) ko balɗe 29. Yolnde ndee ko miliyaar e feccere kiloomeeteer !

Nay : Ñiso JWST bettaani hay gooto fawaade e mawnugol golle halfinaa ɗee : 6 500 kiloogaraam. Daarorgal ngal, wudduwol mum ko meeteruuji 6 e feccere (6,5m). Huurngo faddorgo naange ngoo, njaajeendi mum ko 12 meeteer, njuuteendi mum ko 22 meeteer (hakkundol daarorgal Hubble ko 2,5 m fat wonnoo !)

Joy : JWST maa yiy kuuje asamaan keewɗe, ceertuɗe eddaaji. Huunde e ɗeen kuuje ine natoo, ko wayi no tagopeeje yuɓɓo naange, kono huunde e majje mbaawaa nateede. Niiwnorgal JWST ngal ɓurata raddude ko jiiryiire tageefo (univers) ɓurɗe ɓooyde ɗee, peeñɗe duuɓi 100 miliyoŋ fat caggal Dulɓere Mawnde (Big-Bang), ko ɓuri jooni 14 miliyaar hitaande. Yiyde to ɓuri woɗɗude he nder ko ɓenni, maa addan annduɓe ɓeydaade faamde mahngo Tageefo, e koode gidiiɗe feeñde, kam e tippule jiiryiire. E hannde oo, niiwnaali Hubble e Spitzer ngaddanii en yiyde jiiyiirngal jahrowal e duuɓi 400 miliyoŋ hitaande caggal Dulɓere Mawnde.

Lotti niiwnorgal JWST ngal ko ndampoowa (fusée) Ariyaan 5 ummoraade lottirgal Kuru to Giyaan mo Farayse (Guyane françaises), ñalnde 18 desaambar 2021.

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