Fedde Winndereere Cellal (OMS)

Fedde Winndereere Cellal (OMS)
Fedde Winndereere Cellal (OMS)

Nde Fedde Winndereere Cellal (Organisation mondiale de la santé – OMS) sosaa he hitaande 1948 ndee, donngal mayre wonnoo ko « addude ɓesnguuji winndere ɗii kala he tolno cellal ɓurɗo toowde ». Ko koronaa wiris yillii winndere ndee koo, darnde mayre laaɓtaani no feewi. Donald Trump takkii « waasde tintinde yimɓe law ñanngeede Covid-19 », kam e « reftaade leydi Siin », dartinii piye mum he mayre.

OMS taccii jolɗe keewɗe he nguurndam : gidinooɗo ardaade nde oo, hono kanadaanaajo biyeteeɗo Brock Chisholm (1948-1953) ƴellitii nde he tolno winndere ndee. Won wiyɓe ko oon rokki cellal firo ngooɗoo « ngonka timmuka weytaare ɓalndu e hakkille e renndo », haaɗaani tan he « baasgol ñawu walla si’i woode ».

E hitaande 1953 beresilnaajo biyeteeɗo Marcolino Candau arditii OMS ko ɓuri duuɓi 20. Oon daraniima tigi-tigi haɓaade jontinooje (malariya, pali), huunde feewnitinoonde no feewi Dental Dowlaaji Amerik (DDA) sabu yaakoraade maa ɗum waɗan ɗum ngartam njulaagu nder leyɗe gonduɗe e ñawu nguu, kam e faddaade keƴgol toon Dental Dowlaaji Sosiyaalisteeji Sowiyet (DDSS).

Nde leyɗe maruceeje ngarti e Fedde hee e kitaale 1955-1956, jooɗaniiɗo heen DDSS wiyi wonde « daranaade mumtugol bade ko huunde aaɓniinde to bannge nganndiwal, huunde hatojinaande to bannge renndo, soñtunde to bannge faggudu ». Oon sahaa bade ko ñawu nduumiingu he nder 30 leydi. E hitaande 1959, sabu darnde leyɗe maruceeje, OMS lelni tuugnorgal mumtugol bade. E hitaande 1980 OMS wiyi « bade mumtaama he winndere ndee ».

E kitaale 1960 e 1970 dowlaaji Afrik naati fedde ndee caggal nde keɓi ndimaagu mum en, ɓeydi semmbe senngo maruceewo ngoo, sibu ɗi ngaddori heen ko miijooji ɓalliiɗi sosoyaalisma. Ɗi ɗaɓɓi « jotondire winndereeje kese ». E hitaande 1971 OMS jaɓi abbaade e hujja « safaaruuji cellal garwaniiji ». Miijannde tuuginnde e humpito Pelle ɗe ngonaa laamu garatnooɗe wallitde Afrik e Asi e Amerik latineejo, yanti e humpito « safrooji mamdiiɓe » (médecins aux pieds nus) sinuwaa en. Miijo ngoo ko heblude “gollantooɓe cellal renndo, hellifinde renndooji ɗii e koye mum en, huuɓtodinde paddagol ñawu e naatnude ɓesngu nder golle hee”.

Ardii ndee yiyannde ko Danemarkenaajo biyeteeɗo Halfdan T. Mahler, gardinooɗo OMS tuggi 1973 haa 1988. Daawal ɗamaawu mawɗo e coftal he nder fedde hee. E dow ɗaɓɓaande teeŋtunde DDSS, Halfdan jaɓi noddude joɗnde mawnde e lewru settaambar 1978 to Alma-Ata, yaltinnde ko anndiraa « bayyinaango Alma-Ata faatungo he safaaruuji cellal garwaniiji » kam e faandaare « Cellal wonande yimɓe fof e hitaande 2000 ».

Mahler wiyi ina siftora batu Alma-Ata ko batu « nanondiral » teeŋtungal. O wiyi, nde bayyinaango Alma-Ata taraa ndee, « gite heewɓe ciimtinii gonɗi ». Mahler daraniima lelnugol « doggol safaara ɓurɗo teeŋtude » caaktangol he hitaande 1977, doggol 200 safaara beeɓɗo coggu, ceedtanaaɗo moƴƴugol.

Tuggi 1980, Banke moñnjaal ine wirni OMS, tee Banke moñnjaal ɓuri rokkude hoore ko golle heeriiɓe, wonaa laamuuji. Yanti heen dañal fedde ndee ine ustoo, yeru e hitaande 1985 nde Amerik dartini piye mum. Yanti heen, he kitaale 1990-2000 sosiyateeji faramasi mawɗi mbaɗti battinde he OMS (politikaaji mum mbaɗti yooɓtoreede alɗinde yeeyooɓe safaara, mbaɗti lorde paandaale goɗɗe ɗee).

Lebbi tati jooni winndere ndee fof ko dartiinde tem sabu Covid-19, tee huunde ndee ine yurminii sibu leydi fof woƴtaa tan ko hoore mum, darnde OMS feeñaani no feewi.

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