Feerorde Firefox e Pulaar


Goomu Pulaagu habrii wonde yamre Firefox ɓenndunde yaltii gila 5 lewru suwee 2012.

Firefox noon, ko feerorde (navigateur), woni kuutorgal gaddanoowal en waawde feeraade e internet. Peerorɗe ɓurɗe waawde huutoreede e ooɗoo sahaa ko Internet Explorer (Microsoft), Firefox (Mozilla), Chrome (Google), Safari (Apple), Opera (Opera Software) wonande ko mbiyaten ordinateeruuji koo.

Goomu Pulaagu habrii wonde yamre Firefox ɓenndunde yaltii gila 5 lewru suwee 2012.

Firefox noon, ko feerorde (navigateur), woni kuutorgal gaddanoowal en waawde feeraade e internet. Peerorɗe ɓurɗe waawde huutoreede e ooɗoo sahaa ko Internet Explorer (Microsoft), Firefox (Mozilla), Chrome (Google), Safari (Apple), Opera (Opera Software) wonande ko mbiyaten ordinateeruuji koo.

Fuli Firefox noon ko Goomu Fulfulde ngollodtoongu e fedde Réseau Africain de Localisation (ANLoc) wonnde to Afrik Worgo. To bannge karallaagal, firo ngoo fof waɗetee ko e lowre http://pootle.locamotion.org/ff/ e http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ff/ ɗo ngolloto-ɗen enen e koye men. Nokku oo ina waɗi geɗe keewɗe potɗe fireede e fulfulde. Yamre ndaɗɗudi ndee wiyetee ko « terminologie » (kelmeendi), woni yamre waɗnde fotde 1 073 helmere, kelme ɓurɗe waawde huutoreede e informatik. En ngollodiima ndeen yamre e Umar Bah (gonɗo hannde to Vienne, Otris) e Ibraahiima Malal Saar (mawɗo Goomu Pulaagu, gonɗo to Le Havre, Farayse), wonande ɓe nganndu-mi ɓee Ƴeew ɗoo walla ɗoo Ko e hitaande 2010 wonnoo. Gila ndeen yamre joofi, gooto fof ko duniiɗo bannge mum : Ibraahiima huccani yamre Abiword e Virtaal e Firefox e goɗɗe, enenne kuccan-ɗen ANLoc Formation FR (kelmeendi Heblo ANLoc) e Pootle User Manual (dabi kuutoragol Pootle), caggal nde nduttodi-ɗen e Umar Bah to kelmeendi too. Fof noon ko e yarlitaare. Eɗen potnoo tawtoreede heblo jowitiingo e ɗuum e lewru desaambar 2010 to Bamako, Mali, kono caɗeele ndiwoowa kaɗi en yahde.

Hannde oo, ko foti fireede ina heewi no feewi sanne. Ko ɓuri heewde e topirɗe ina mbelliti neɗɗo kala firde ɗum en e ɗemngal mum. Wonanta heen joom mum tan ko firde, ko heeddii koo, kamɓe toppitii. Ina jeyaa noon e geɗe ɓurnooɗe fooɗtude hakkillaaji men, firo kelle Google, ganndiraaɗe GIYL (Google In Your Langage : Google e ɗemngal maa) sabu men miijaade wonde Google ɓuri yaajde, ina gasa tawa ko kañum ɓurata yaawde sarde ɗemngal men ngal. Ko ɗuum nii tagi, gila hitaande 2009, cos-ɗen doggol jeewte google-e-pulaar, ɗo ngostondirten miijooji ko fayti e firooji. En njahii haa cos-ɗen goomu e wuro Nuwaasoot hee, e gardagol Fedde Ɓamtaare Pulaar e Muritani, nguun goomu fuɗɗiima gollaade …

Ko wonaa ɗum koo, golle goɗɗe kimmuɗe ina mbaawi waɗeede to ff.wikipedia.org, nokku ɗo hay gooto waawaa hebbinde, sabu ko nokku ɗo denndaangal gannde tawetee… E ooɗoo sahaa, ko Umar Bah Gongore tan, ɓuri heewde yahde toon.

Ɗum noon, ko foti waɗeede ina heewi no feewi : ko foti fireede e internet koo gasataa, sibu, ko woodaa e gannde koo, gasataa, ko yaltata e ɗemɗe goɗɗe ina foti fuleede koo, gasataa haa abada. Ko ɗum tagi eɗen poti ummanaade ɗum tigi rigi. Ndeen ɗum ɓurnoo saɗde, kono hannde, nde tawnoo ɗemɗe men nattii jogaade caɗeele to bannge binndol e nder masiŋaaji hee, ɗum ɓeydiima newaade. Hay ɗuum ne, Alla waɗi alaa ko leñol ngol waɗi heen, sibu ko fedde wiyeteende UNICODE, toppitiinde yuɓɓinde maaɗe binndi ñawndani en ɗuum tawi en tinaani boom, tawi eɓe njiyloo ñawndude caɗeele binndol ɗemɗe goɗɗe ɓurɗe hittude binndi, ko wayi no caɗeele (kuutortooɗe jelooɗe –idéogrammes-) e Arab e Farsi (binndirteeɗe ñaamo feewde nano) ekn … Alla waɗi kadi ɗum hawri e windows ina feewnunoo gila e hitaande 2004 topirde feewnirde tappirɗe wiyeteende ‘’Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (MSKLC)’’ taweteende ɗooyene,  nde yimɓe fof mbaawi huutoraade ngam feewnude tappirɗe mbelaa … Tappirɗe Pulaar gooɗde hannde ɗee ko ɗuum peewniraa, tee ina newii haa maayi.

Ɗum noon gooto fof ɗo woni kala yo duno tan, hay so tawii eɗen njaakorii “feɗɗitoyde” dunanɗe men, (ɗum firti dunanɗe ɗee njantondira, wonande ɓe ngoowaani demal), natta wonde lowe, laatoo ngesa mawba.

Bookara Aamadu Bah
Tesko : Njiɗɗo awtaade Firefox fof ina waawi yahde ɗoo : Firefox e Pulaar
Firɓe Firefox e topirɗe Pootle goɗɗe (Ceux qui ont participé à la traduction de firefox et autres) :