Ganndo mawɗo ko faati e ɓalliwal (fisik), biyeteeɗo Stephan Hawkings sankiima ñalnde alarba 14 marse 2018. Ko o ganndo biritannaajo lolluɗo e nder annduɓe, fanniyanke ko faati e ɓalliwal miijiwal (physique théorique), e hiisiwal, haa arti e gannde weeyo (astrofisik) hono ɓalliwal paatungal e kuule asamaan (koode, tagopeeje, geɗe gonɗe hakkunde koode ekn ), ko wayi no annoore mum en, ñisngo mum en, nguleeki mum en, ɓakdi mum en, cañuki mum en, ekn.
O jibinaa ko ñalnde 8 saawiyee 1942 to Oxford (Angalteer). O waɗi nguurndam makko fof ko e sunnaade e wiɗtude geɗe cuuɗiiɗe e winndere ndee. O jaggiraa ko no wage nii e nder annduɓe ɓalliwal, teeŋtini ɗum noon ko o sellaano ko ɓooyi, haa o woofɗi, kono ɗuum haɗaani hakkille makko ɓeydaade yuumtude e soñtude. E 1988 o winndii deftere tiitoriinde « A Brief History of Time » (Daartol daɓɓol sahaa).
Won nawdooɓe mo e Albert Einstein e Isaac Newton, kono won wiyɓe kadi hono Einstein weeɓaani dañtude.